High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale
High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale
High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale
High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale
High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale
High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale
High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale
High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale
High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale
High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale
High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale
High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale
High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale
High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale
High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale
High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale
High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale
High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale
High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale
2024-07-26 01:49:36

ಉನ್ನತ ಅಂತ್ಯದ ಡೇವಿಯ ಕುರಿಗಳ ಕೊಬ್ಬಿನ ಜಾಡ್ ಬಿಳಿ ಪೋರ್ಸಲೇನ್ ಥೆ, ಚಿನ್ನದ ಸೆರೆಮಿಕ್ ಗಳನ್ನು ತಕ್ಕೊಂಡು, ಮೂರು ತಲಾಂತುಗಳ ಬಟ್ಟಿಯನ್ನು ಮುಚ್ಚಿ, ಕೂನ್ ಫೂ ಟೇಸ್ ಸೆಟ್ ಗೆ


ಶಿಪ್ಪಿಂಗ್ಚೆಕ್ out ಟ್ ನಲ್ಲಿ ಲೆಕ್ಕಹಾಕಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ.

Large lidded bowl pure white magnolia cup ದೊಡ್ಡ ಮುಚ್ಚಳದ ಬೌಲ್ ಶುದ್ಧ ಬಿಳಿ ಮ್ಯಾಗ್ನೋಲಿಯಾ ಕಪ್
Big lidded bowl, pure white straight mouth cup ದೊಡ್ಡ ಮುಚ್ಚಳದ ಬೌಲ್, ಶುದ್ಧ ಬಿಳಿ ನೇರ ಬಾಯಿ ಕಪ್
Big lid bowl, pure white fragrance cup ದೊಡ್ಡ ಮುಚ್ಚಳ ಬೌಲ್, ಶುದ್ಧ ಬಿಳಿ ಸುಗಂಧ ಕಪ್
Big lid bowl, pure white drawstring cup ದೊಡ್ಡ ಮುಚ್ಚಳ ಬೌಲ್, ಶುದ್ಧ ಬಿಳಿ ಡ್ರಾಸ್ಟ್ರಿಂಗ್ ಕಪ್
Big covered bowl, pure white meditation cup ದೊಡ್ಡ ಮುಚ್ಚಿದ ಬೌಲ್, ಶುದ್ಧ ಬಿಳಿ ಧ್ಯಾನ ಕಪ್
Large lidded bowl depicting golden orchid cup ಗೋಲ್ಡನ್ ಆರ್ಕಿಡ್ ಕಪ್ ಚಿತ್ರಿಸುವ ದೊಡ್ಡ ಮುಚ್ಚಳದ ಬೌಲ್
Large lidded bowl with gold embossed straight mouth cup ಚಿನ್ನದ ಉಬ್ಬು ನೇರ ಬಾಯಿ ಕಪ್ನೊಂದಿಗೆ ದೊಡ್ಡ ಮುಚ್ಚಳದ ಬೌಲ್
Large lidded bowl with gold embossed fragrance cup ಚಿನ್ನದ ಉಬ್ಬು ಸುಗಂಧ ಕಪ್ನೊಂದಿಗೆ ದೊಡ್ಡ ಮುಚ್ಚಳದ ಬೌಲ್
Large lidded bowl with gold patterned neck cup ಚಿನ್ನದ ಮಾದರಿಯ ಕುತ್ತಿಗೆ ಕಪ್ನೊಂದಿಗೆ ದೊಡ್ಡ ಮುಚ್ಚಳದ ಬೌಲ್
Large covered bowl with gold inlay Zen meditation cup ಚಿನ್ನದ ಒಳಹರಿವಿನ en ೆನ್ ಧ್ಯಾನ ಕಪ್ನೊಂದಿಗೆ ದೊಡ್ಡ ಮುಚ್ಚಿದ ಬೌಲ್
Big lid bowl, blue line straight mouth cup ದೊಡ್ಡ ಮುಚ್ಚಳ ಬೌಲ್, ನೀಲಿ ರೇಖೆ ನೇರ ಬಾಯಿ ಕಪ್
Large lidded bowl with purple gold thread straight mouth cup ಕೆನ್ನೇರಳೆ ಚಿನ್ನದ ದಾರ ನೇರ ಬಾಯಿ ಕಪ್ನೊಂದಿಗೆ ದೊಡ್ಡ ಮುಚ್ಚಳದ ಬೌಲ್
Pure white heart warming cup ಶುದ್ಧ ಬಿಳಿ ಹೃದಯ ತಾಪಮಾನ ಕಪ್
Golden Heart Warmer Cup ಗೋಲ್ಡನ್ ಹಾರ್ಟ್ ವಾರ್ಮರ್ ಕಪ್
- +

ಖಾತರಿ ಸೀಲುಗಳು - 100% ಸುರಕ್ಷಿತ ಅಂಗಡಿ.

ಸಂದೇಶವನ್ನು ಬಿಡಿಸು
ಉತ್ಪನ್ನವನ್ನು ಹಂಚಿಕೊಳ್ಳಿ:
ಆಸ್ತಿ ವಿವರಗಳು:
3000 ಗ್ರಾಂ
ಉತ್ಪನ್ನ ವರ್ಗ
ಟೀ ಸೆಟ್ ಸೆಟ್
ಅದನ್ನು ಆಮದು ಮಾಡಿಕೊಳ್ಳಲಾಗಿದೆಯೇ
ಐಟಂ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆ
ವಸ್ತುಗಳ ವಿನ್ಯಾಸ
ಲೋಗೋ ಮುದ್ರಣವನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸಿ
ಕಸ್ಟಮೈಸ್ ಮಾಡಿದ ಸಂಸ್ಕರಣೆ
ಉತ್ಪನ್ನ ಬಿಡುಗಡೆ ದಿನಾಂಕ
ಶರತ್ಕಾಲ 2019
ಬೆಲೆ ಶ್ರೇಣಿ
80-100 ಯುವಾನ್
ನಿಮ್ಮ ಬಳಿ ಪೇಟೆಂಟ್ ಇದೆಯೇ?
ಉಡುಗೊರೆ ಪೆಟ್ಟಿಗೆ
ಮೇಲ್ಮೈ ತಂತ್ರಜ್ಞಾನ
ಬಣ್ಣ ಮೆರುಗು
ಇದು ಚಹಾ ತಟ್ಟೆಯನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿದೆಯೇ?
ಇದು ಗ್ರಾಹಕೀಕರಣವನ್ನು ಬೆಂಬಲಿಸುತ್ತದೆಯೇ?
ಪ್ಯಾಕಿಂಗ್ ಪ್ರಮಾಣ
ಚಹಾ ಸಮಾರಂಭದ ಪರಿಕರಗಳು
ಏನೂ ಇಲ್ಲ
ಕುದಿಯುವ ನೀರಿನ ಕಾರ್ಯದಿಂದ ಸಜ್ಜುಗೊಂಡಿದೆ
ಡಾ ಗೈ ವಾನ್ ಶುದ್ಧ ಮ್ಯಾಗ್ನೋಲಿಯಾ ಕಪ್, ಡಾ ಗೈ ವಾನ್ ಶುದ್ಧ ಬಿಳಿ ನೇರ ಬಾಯಿ ಕಪ್, ಡಾ ಗೈ ವಾನ್ ಶುದ್ಧ ಬಿಳಿ ಸುಗಂಧ ಕಪ್, ಡಾ ಗೈ ವಾನ್ ಶುದ್ಧ ಬಿಳಿ ಬಂಡಲ್ ಮೌತ್ ಕಪ್, ಡಾ ಗೈ ವಾನ್ ಶುದ್ಧ ಬಿಳಿ ಧ್ಯಾನ ಕಪ್, ಡಾ ಗೈ ವಾನ್ ಪೇಂಟೆಡ್ ಮ್ಯಾಗ್ನೋಲಿಯಾ ಕಪ್, ಡಾ ಗೈ ವಾನ್ ಪೇಂಟೆಡ್ ಗೋಲ್ಡ್ ಸ್ಟ್ರೈಟ್ ಮೌತ್ ಕಪ್, ಡಾ ಗೈ ವಾನ್ ಪೇಂಟೆಡ್ ಗೋಲ್ಡ್ ಫ್ರಾಗ್ರಾನ್ಸ್ ಕಪ್, ಡಾ ಗೈ ವಾನ್ ಪೇಂಟೆಡ್ ಗೋಲ್ಡ್ ಬಂಡಲ್ ಮೌತ್ ಕಪ್, ಡಾ ಗೈ ವಾನ್ ಪೇಂಟೆಡ್ ಗೋಲ್ಡ್ ಧ್ಯಾನ ಕಪ್, ಡಾ ಗೈ ವಾನ್ ಬ್ಲೂ ಲೈನ್ ಸ್ಟ್ರೈಟ್ ಮೌತ್ ಕಪ್,
ಉತ್ಪನ್ನ ಗುಣಮಟ್ಟದ ದರ್ಜೆ
ಪ್ರೀಮಿಯಂ ಉತ್ಪನ್ನ
ಇದು ಗಡಿಯಾಚೆಗಿನ ರಫ್ತು ವಿಶೇಷ ಸರಕುಗಳ ಮೂಲವೇ?
ಆಧುನಿಕ ಸರಳತೆ
ಉಡುಗೊರೆ ನೀಡುವ ಸಂದರ್ಭಗಳಿಗೆ ಸೂಕ್ತವಾಗಿದೆ
ಜನ್ಮದಿನ, ಹುಣ್ಣಿಮೆ, ಪ್ರಯಾಣದ ಸ್ಮರಣಾರ್ಥ, ಪದವಿ, ಮನೆಕೆಲಸ, ಪಾರ್ಟಿ ಕೂಟ, ರೋಗಿಗಳಿಗೆ ಭೇಟಿ ನೀಡುವುದು ಮತ್ತು ಸಾಂತ್ವನ ನೀಡುವುದು
ಅನ್ವಯವಾಗುವ ಉಡುಗೊರೆ ನೀಡುವ ಸಂಬಂಧ
ಯುವಕರು, ದಂಪತಿಗಳು, ಸಂಗಾತಿಗಳು, ಸಹೋದ್ಯೋಗಿಗಳು, ಸ್ನೇಹಿತರು, ಹಿರಿಯರು, ಮಕ್ಕಳು, ಸಹಪಾಠಿಗಳು, ಮಾರ್ಗದರ್ಶಕರು
ಅನ್ವಯವಾಗುವ ಹಬ್ಬಗಳು
ಕ್ರಿಸ್ಮಸ್, ಪ್ರೇಮಿಗಳ ದಿನ, ವಸಂತ ಉತ್ಸವ, ತಂದೆಯ ದಿನ, ತಾಯಿಯ ದಿನ, ಶಿಕ್ಷಕರ ದಿನ, ಹೊಸ ವರ್ಷದ ದಿನ, ಕಿಕ್ಸಿ, ಹ್ಯಾಲೋವೀನ್, ಈಸ್ಟರ್, ರಾಷ್ಟ್ರೀಯ ದಿನ, ಮಕ್ಕಳ ದಿನ, ಮಹಿಳಾ ದಿನ
ಉಡುಗೊರೆ ನೀಡುವ ಉದ್ದೇಶ
ಖರೀದಿ ಉಡುಗೊರೆಗಳು, ವ್ಯಾಪಾರ ಉಡುಗೊರೆಗಳು, ಜಾಹೀರಾತು ಉಡುಗೊರೆಗಳು, ಪ್ರಚಾರ ಉಡುಗೊರೆಗಳು, ಸಮ್ಮೇಳನ ಉಡುಗೊರೆಗಳು, ಕಲ್ಯಾಣ ಉಡುಗೊರೆಗಳು, ಉತ್ಸವ ಉಡುಗೊರೆಗಳು, ಮೆಚ್ಚುಗೆ ಮತ್ತು ಸ್ಮರಣಾರ್ಥ ಉಡುಗೊರೆಗಳು, ಸಾರ್ವಜನಿಕ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಉಡುಗೊರೆಗಳು
ಇದು ಉಡುಗೊರೆಯೇ
ಹೌದು, ವ್ಯಾಪಾರ ಉಡುಗೊರೆಗಳು
ಅನ್ವಯವಾಗುವ ಸನ್ನಿವೇಶಗಳು
ಅನ್ವಯವಾಗುವ ಜನರ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆ
6 ಜನರು
ಶೈಲಿ ಪ್ರಕಾರ
ಕನಿಷ್ಠ ಶೈಲಿ

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

High end Dehua sheep fat jade white porcelain tea set set with gold painted ceramics, three talents bowl covering, Kung Fu tea set wholesale

ಗ್ರಾಹಕ ವಿಮರ್ಶೆಗಳು
ಇವರಿಂದ ವಿಮರ್ಶಿಸಿ${m.NickName}${m.CreatedAt|date:'medium'}
${total} Item
ಪ್ರತಿ ಪುಟಕ್ಕೆ
ವಿಮರ್ಶೆಗಳನ್ನು ಮಾಡಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ

ವಿಮರ್ಶೆಗಳನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸಲು ನೀವು ಲಾಗಿನ್ ಆಗಬೇಕು ಅಥವಾ ನೋಂದಾಯಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಬೇಕು.

ಸನ್ನಿ ಅಥವ ನೋಂದಾಯಿಸಿ

ನೀವು ಸಹ ಇಷ್ಟಪಡಬಹುದು

ಯಾವಾಗಲೂ ನಮ್ಮನ್ನು ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿಸಲು ಸ್ವಾತಂತ್ರ್ಯವಿರಿ

ನಾವು ನಿಮಗೆ 24 ಗಂಟೆಗಳ ಒಳಗೆ ಇಮೇಲ್ ಮೂಲಕ ಪ್ರತ್ಯುತ್ತರ ನೀಡುತ್ತೇವೆ.